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National Cadet Corps (NCC)2022-12-07T16:56:41+00:00

Student Support


Introduction to NCC

Academic incentives

NCC cadets who secure more than 75% of attendance are eligible for weightage marks for their admission to various courses. Seats are also reserved in various professional courses.

NCC cadets are also eligible for grace marks under CBCS System. The Grace marks obtained by a student can be distributed to the End Semester Examination of the difference courses in a semester or among to semesters in an academic year as per the choice of the students. The students shall claim the grace mark with in six months after the end of the academic year

Empower volunteer youth to become potential leaders and responsible citizens of the country

To develop leadership and character qualities, mould discipline and nurture social integration and cohesion through multi-faceted programmes conducted in a military environment

NCC Activities

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